
Booking and management software for flying groups

Goboko, free online aircraft booking software

Have you lost your password, or forgotten your login?

Your login is your e-mail address. If you don't remember what address you used to register, contact our support team.

To recover your password

Enter the e-mail address of your Goboko account below. We will send you a message with:
- your password hint (if you defined one),
- and a link to create a new password.
You can use your preferred method to get your access back!

E-mail address of your account:*

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You are currently surfing anonymously. Please sign in or register.

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JS library by Leaflet
Map data © Open Street Map
License: CC-BY-SA
Images © Mapbox

Are you sure?

Your previous request to join this group is in process. If you would like to speed up the process, contact your group secretariat directly.

Please contact your group manager to leave a flying group.

To leave a flying group/club, please go to the corresponding group members page.

You are not signed in or your session has expired. Please sign in again.